A team is only as good as its weakest link. So why spread yourself thin trying to micromanage everyone when you can teach them by example. Use real calls, situations, and scenarios to teach your employees to communicate in a way that fits both the tone and voice of your brand, as well as the business goals that affect your bottom line.
Call Center Recording Software
Call Center Call Recording Common Use
Simplify Onboarding
Use actual calls with real clients to train your new employees. Help them understand what your clients are looking for, what are their objections, and how they should address them in the most effective manner by actually showing how it’s done.
Train Your Team To Perform On A New Level
No one is born perfect. But we can gain and improve skills with the right level of practice and adequate mentorship. Create your dream team by listening to their work analyzing performance and ways they handle complex situations, and transform them into a big, mean, goal-driven machine based on data and insights we gather for you in real time!
Improve Customer Experience
Recorded calls don’t only show you blind stats and charts, they offer insights into how your team performs and handles complex challenges when facing important, or troublesome customers. Train your team to offer an exceptional level of services based on data gathered from actual calls that took place!
VoIP Call Recording Security
We are here to help you put the data your team and leads are generating through a remote storage and the user-friendly interface of our app. That said, you decide the level of our involvement when it comes to stored logs or recorded calls.
We go with “write only” permission by default, making sure that all of your conversations stay between you and the recipient. In addition to that, your data is encrypted with state-of-the-art algorithms both when it goes into the storage and when you pull it out.