Cellular Auto Dialer For Call Centers

An automated dialing system that is precisely programmed to give the organization full control over agent outputs, increase revenue, and improve the customer experience.
Imagine a worker who never gets tired, doesn't suffer from headaches and never takes breaks. Sounds perfect?
Voicenter's automatic call dialer is just like that – a call cannon at a rate you set without limits
Whether the business activity in the field of administration, customer service, sales or collection, the automatic dialer is actually a customized service that provides a complete solution for the call center manager and his unique needs. 
A properly managed campaign results in high response rates and only calls answered with administrative time to record between calls. If a dialer call is not answered, the system makes additional dialing attempts to the record according to the campaign settings. All campaign call data is centralized in the reporting system so that performance can be tracked at any given time.
Voicenter's automatic dialer is an ideal tool for maximizing the utilization of working hours, which on the one hand leads to significant savings in expenses and on the other hand to a massive increase in revenue!
 a call cannon at a rate you set without limits

VoIP Auto Dialer Feature Common Use

Saving Time

The goal is clear - to close as many deals as possible! Without dialing the wrong numbers, without wasting valuable work time, without frustrating the representatives, dealing mainly with and especially increasing revenue. The automatic dialer makes it possible to shorten the intervals between outgoing calls in the call center thus increasing the output of the department. The dialer system includes campaign performance reports so you can always keep your finger on the pulse when it comes to sales rep productivity.
Saving time is money

Reducing The Waiting Time

The growing competition for the customer's heart accelerates the need to provide a high level of service. The expectation of each of us as a customer is to receive service with minimum waiting time. The integration of the automatic dialer service in the IVR allows the customer to choose a callback at a later time, reduce the load and shorten waiting times at call centers.
Reducing the waiting time for service inquiries

Telephone Surveys

The automatic dialer system enables sending voice messages to a wide distribution of recipients, a redirection to the IVR and a report detailing the customer's choices on the IVR (DTMF report). In this way, you can actually promote sales by advertising and marketing, improve the customer experience through surveys, run a successful election campaign, and more.
Satisfaction - telephone surveys

How Auto Dialer Software Works?

The auto dialer enables the operation of several campaigns simultaneously, divided by business activity, by representatives and hours of operation. The dialer initiates calls automatically at a rate calculated based on the expected response percentage of the records, the number of representatives in the campaign, and the number of simultaneous calls.
The auto dialer generates outgoing calls at a steady pace, and puts them in the call center as incoming calls. The dialer replaces the need for manual dialing to a list of customers or leads by the call center representatives - so that instead of the representative receiving a list of phone numbers or customers to call that day, the information system (CRM or Excel file) sends the list of dial-in numbers to the telephony system, corresponding to a specific representative, at specific times or according to the customer's status. The information system flows the information according to the execution settings, and the telephony system performs double automatic dialing at the same time:
The first dial-up is an outgoing call to the record to call, the second dial-up is to the relevant representative, and finally the link between the two calls is established. The integration makes it possible to define the number of calls that will enter the call center at the same time, the waiting time between calls or breaks of the representatives, and thus adapt the system's capabilities to the needs of the call center.

What Options Do You Have In The Automatic Dialer?

1. Run multiple campaigns simultaneously, divided by representatives.
2. The dialer calls automatically, the representative only receives live calls waiting a few seconds between calls for documentation or administration purposes.
3. The automatic dialer records all unanswered and redials according to presets.
4. You can pull contacts from an external system.
5. It is advisable to calculate an accurate response percentage for the records you have in order to hold the minimum number of calls on hold.
6. You can pop up a screen with the customer card immediately at the moment of response using the Voicenter plugin or in the organizational information system.
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