Voicenter-Okta Integration

Okta makes seamless and secure access possible for your customers, employees, and partners.

Enhance telecom security with Voicenter-Okta SSO Integration - a seamless, reliable solution for single sign-on.

Voicenter - Okta Integration Features


Secure your organization account, restricting access to only allowed users, with Two Factor Authentication, and integrating your Identity management solution with Voicenter Contact centers.

Employees Experience

Ease up the login process with seamless passwordless, immediate authentication and authorization process, getting your agents onboarding in seconds.


Guarantee full auditing of all user's interactions with the system to meet compliance requirements and to support forensic investigations of cyber threads.

Integration Advantages

Elevate efficiency, enhance workflows, and unlock business benefits effortlessly with OKTA

Easy Configuration

Simplify integration with our user-friendly setup, ensuring a swift and smooth onboarding process tailored to your needs.

Single Sign-On (SSO) Efficiency

Implementing SSO across various tools, including CRM and automation platforms, enhances security and user experience. Employees can access multiple systems with a single set of credentials, reducing the risk of password-related security issues and saving time.

Enhanced Collaboration

Integration of storage and collaboration tools facilitates seamless sharing of documents and information among teams. This can improve collaboration between different departments, such as sales, marketing, and customer support.
Empower your business with secure and seamless access by integrating Okta with Voicenter. Elevate customer, employee, and partner interactions, unlocking enhanced security and user-friendly experiences.

Discover All the Integrations

Elevate efficiency, enhance workflows, and unlock business benefits effortlessly with our Okta integration
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