Enhance collaboration with Google seamlessly integrated into Voicenter, redefining project efficiency and communication dynamics.

Experience a new level of collaboration with Google seamlessly integrated into Voicenter. This integration transforms project efficiency and communication dynamics, providing a streamlined and enhanced experience. Elevate your teamwork and productivity with the powerful synergy of Google and Voicenter.

Voicenter - Google Integration Features


Secure your call recording in your own storage solution to guarantee full ownership permissions and control - on these sensitive assets, allowing you to audit and manage the access to the files exclusively.

Employees experience

Play call recordings from your favorite CRM, business application, or our Cpanel interface - the same seamless experience - no matter whats the storage solution you select.


All call are encrypted with the highest industry standards limiting the possibility to decrypt and listen to the calls - by authorised personals only.

DLP Data Leankage prevention

We limit the ammount of each user's ability to play recordings, minimizing the risk of calls being leaked out by compromised credentials.
Google Cloud and Voicenter empower call centers to deliver personalized voice experiences, turning audible emotions into actionable insights. Understand and predict customer needs with this innovative integration, prioritizing the well-being of both customers and employees.

Salesforce - Voicenter Integration
Voicenter managed package
Zoho VoIP Integration | Zoho - Voicenter Integration
Zoho VoIP Integration | Zoho - Voicenter Integration
Monday - Voicenter Integration
Monday.com Integration with Voicenter | Voicenter-Monday Integration
Voicenter - Microsoft Dynamics Integration
Voicenter - Microsoft Dynamics Integration
Voicenter - MAKE Integration
Make.com - Voicenter - Seamless Integration
OKTA - Voicenter Integration
Voicenter - Okta Integration
Voicenter - Zapier Integration
Voicenter - Zapier Integration
AWS - Voicenter Integration
AWS - Voicenter Integration
Azure - Voicenter Integration
Azure - Voicenter Integration
Connector Center - Voicenter Automation platform
Connector Center - Voicenter Automation platform
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