- Initiating phone-calls from any available representative or salesperson -automatically!(Great
performance booster, fully personalize to any duration).
- Trigger and initiate an automatic call-back to any ‘Contact us’ lead or customer, the moment
they click the ‘Apply/Send’ button. Imagine their WOW, and your conversion rates.
- Integrate click2call to your CRM, will improve your performance and make sure you fully-deliver your SLA (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Service-level_agreement) as endorsed.
Click To Call API Works As Follows:
The API for each call you initiate actives 2 "legs":
1. "Leg 1" is the first call the agent receives to his extension after initiating a call.
This is set by the "Phone" parameter where you input the ID of the agent's extension.
2. "Leg 2" is the call to the chosen destination (following an answer to the leg 1 call), this is set by configuring the client's phone number in the target parameter.
General Click2Call API description:
Capabilities of the API
This API allows you to initiate any of the following 3 types of calls:
1. Simple outgoing call.
2. Callback and click to IVR.
3. Terminate calls.
Acceptable request types
2. GET
Possible Response formats
To control the format of the response please provide your desired format in the request:
1. XML (default)
Request Example GET Format
Request Example POST-JSON Format
Call Action Request Parameters
Parameter | Description | Appearance |
phone | First destination to dial. Phone number or Voicenter extension. Phone must be in E164 format, but without the plus sign. If the phone is Israeli,format can be 0*********. In case of dialing to an extension behind a SIP Trunk, please set Phone=SIPTRUNK. In case of extension dependency on user login please set: phone=logincode phonelogincode=[login code]. | Mandatory |
target | Second destination to dial. Phone number or Voicenter extension. Phone should be in E164 format, but without the leading plus (+) sign. If the Target is Israeli, format can be 0********* too. | Mandatory |
code | Caller identity token, attainable from our back office department. | mandatory |
action | Call (action-call). | mandatory |
record | Record the call. Acceptable values: true / false. If not provided set to false. | Optional |
phonecallerid | Caller id of the phone. Not supported by all providers. | Optional |
phonecallername | Caller name of the phone. Not supported by all providers. | Optional |
targetcallerid | Caller id of the target. Not supported by all providers. | Optional |
targetcallername | Caller name of the target. Not supported by all providers. | Optional |
phonemaxdialtime | Phone maximum dialtime, in seconds. If not provided set to 60 seconds. | Optional |
targetmaxdialtime | Target maximum dial time, in seconds. If not provided set to 60 seconds. | Optional |
maxduration | Maximum call duration in seconds. If not provided set to 7200 seconds. | Optional |
phoneautoanswer | Only for Voicenter extensions. Expecting true or 1 for phone automatic answer. If not specified set to false. | Optional |
targetautoanswer | Only for Voicenter extensions. Expecting for true or 1 for target automatic answer If not specified set to false. | Optional |
checkphonedevicestate | Block call if extension offline. | Optional |
checktargetdevicestate | Block call if extension offline. | Optional |
language | Specify languageforsystem recordings/prompts/etc. Acceptable format is [he/en/ru/ etc...]. | optional |
format | Controls the format of the response. Possible values : 1. XML - for XML format 2. json - for JSON format The default is XML. | Optional |
var_* | Any custom parameter with “var_” prefix. For example: var_customer=2342 This parameter used in: 1.Voicenter chrome notification extension 2.Voicenter desktop notification program 3.CDR to CRM API The limit is 10 parameters. https://api.voicenter.co.il/ForwardDialer/click2call. aspx?phone=XXXXXXXX&target=057XXXXXXX&code=XXXXXXXXXXX&action=call &var_accountID=12345678&var_agentID=1234567 | Optional |
ignoredncstatus | In case you activated Voicenter Do-Not-Call-Me service, a service that checks whether to allow calling Israeli destinations, by adding this field to your click2call requests, you will be allowed to make calls to restricted destinations. Here are the values you can pass: 1 - Allow calling restricted destinations in the "phone" field. 2 - Allow calling restricted destinations in the "target" field. 3 - Allow calling restricted destinations in both "phone" and "target" fields. | Optional |
Terminate Action
The Click-To-Call provides you with the option not just initialing calls but also allow the agent to end an active call.
Table Parameters
Parameter | Description | Appearance |
Phone | Voicenter extension To hang up. | Mandatory |
code | Caller identity for you account, provided by our Backoffice department. | Mandatory |
action | terminate (action=terminate). | Mandatory |
Click To Call API Response
After you make an api request we provide with you with a response to signal if your request was successful or not.
The response will be in XML format (XML-RPC structure) or JSON.
The fields are as follows:
1. ERRORCODE (Integer) List:
Code | Description |
0 | OK |
1 | Invalid request parameters |
2 | Application error |
3 | The representative's extension is offline |
4 | Extension blocked for Click2Call calls |
2. ERRORMESSAGE (String) - A short sentence describing the issue.
3. CALLID - String (32 chars), Unique code of the call, in case of failure is empty.
XML Response Example
<methodResponse> <params> <param> <value> <struct> <member> <name>ERRORCODE</name> <value><string>1</string></value> </member> <member> <name>ERRORMESSAGE</name> <value><string>Phone is missing</string></value> </member> <member> <name>CALLID</name> <value><string></string></value> </member> </struct> </value> </param> </params> </methodResponse>